Qualification and Registration of Electricians: Qualification and Registration of Electricians, Dallas Electrical Code 2017 | UpCodes (2024)

Table of Contents
Article 82 Qualification and Registration of Electricians 82.1 Registration Required; Exceptions 82.2 Classifications (A) Classifications (B) Work Authorized to Be Performed in Each Classification 82.3 Application for Registration (A) Electrical Contractors and Electrical Sign Contractors (B) Affidavit of Names of Persons Responsible for Business (C) Master Electricians, Master Sign Electricians, Journeymen Electricians, Journeymen Sign Electricians, and Residential Wiremen 82.4 Issuance of Certificate of Registration 82.5 Transferability; Display of Certificate 82.6 Expiration; Renewal (A) Expiration (B) Renewal 82.7 Suspension or Revocation of Certificate (A) Suspension or Revocation (B) Complaint and Hearing Process (C) Finding (D) Reinstatement (E) Appeal to District Court (F) Performance of Electrical Work While Registration Is Suspended or Revoked 82.8 Registration Fees 82.9 False Representation as Registered Electrician 82.10 Electrical Contractors and Electrical Sign Contractors; Registration and Regulations Generally (A) Registration Required (B) Registered Name of Business (C) Registration Process (D) Application (E) Electrical Contractor's Certificate (F) Electrical Sign Contractor's Certificate (G) Electrical Contractor — Qualification by Master Electrician Required (H) Electrical Sign Contractor — Qualification by Master Sign Electrician or Master Electrician Required (I) Electrical Contractor — Change in Master Electrician (J) Electrical Sign Contractor — Change in Master Sign or Master Electrician (K) Withholding of Inspections and Permits 82.11 Master Electricians (A) Registration Required (B) Responsibility for Code Compliance (C) Notice of Leaving an Electrical Contracting Business (D) Qualifying More Than One Electrical Contracting Business (E) Requirements for Qualifying an Electrical Contracting Business 82.12 Master Sign Electricians (A) Registration Required (B) Responsibility for Code Compliance (C) Notice of Leaving an Electrical Sign Contracting Business (D) Qualifying More Than One Electrical Sign Contracting Business (E) Requirements for Qualifying an Electrical Sign Contracting Business 82.13 Dual Master Qualifications; Single Licensing 82.14 Journeyman Electricians and Journeyman Sign Electricians (A) Work Authorized by a Journeyman Electrician's License or Registration (B) Work Authorized by a Journeyman Sign Electrician's License or Registration 82.15 Work Authorized by a Residential Wireman's License or Registration 82.16 Certain Work Exempt From Registration 82.17 Records 82.18 Vehicle Identification Number Required (A) Vehicle Identification Numbers Required (B) Issuance of Vehicle Identification Numbers (C) Display of Vehicle Identification Numbers

Article 82 Qualification and Registration of Electricians

82.1 Registration Required; Exceptions

No person shall engage in electrical construction unless:

  1. the person is registered as a qualified electrician in accordance with the provisions of this Code;
  2. the person is an employee of Oncor Electric Delivery and is conducting work described in 81.1;
  3. the person is engaged in work for which no permit is required;
  4. the person is engaged in work described in 81.3 of this Code; or
  5. the person holds a valid State of Texas electrical license as classified in 82.2(A)(3), (4),(5), (6), and (7) and is not acting in the capacity of a qualifying master electrician or aqualifying master sign electrician.

82.2 Classifications

(A) Classifications

Electrical licenses shall be in the classifications listed below:

  1. Electrical contractor.
  2. Electrical sign contractor.
  3. Master electrician.
  4. Master sign electrician.
  5. Journeyman electrician.
  6. Journeyman sign electrician.
  7. Residential wireman.

(B) Work Authorized to Be Performed in Each Classification

A person registered in oneof these classifications shall be permitted to perform the work of that classification as defined inthis Code.

82.3 Application for Registration

(A) Electrical Contractors and Electrical Sign Contractors

To secure a certificate ofregistration, a qualified electrician shall apply to the chief electrical code administrator in personupon a form furnished by building inspection.

(B) Affidavit of Names of Persons Responsible for Business

An applicant for a certificateas an electrical contractor or electrical sign contractor shall file with the application an affidavitsetting forth the name or names of the person or persons who are responsible for the business. Anapplicant shall appear in person if requested by the chief electrical code administrator and beexamined as provided in this Code.

(C) Master Electricians, Master Sign Electricians, Journeymen Electricians, Journeymen Sign Electricians, and Residential Wiremen

Effective January 1, 2020, electrical examinationrequirements will end. Holders of the Dallas certificate of registration electrical license must obtaina State of Texas electricians license to continue to work in the City of Dallas. A limited period forrenewals of the Dallas certificate of registration license will be allowed per Section 82.6(B).

82.4 Issuance of Certificate of Registration

After an applicant has been certified by the chiefelectrical code administrator, and has paid the required registration fee, the chief electrical codeadministrator shall register the name of the applicant in the records and shall issue to the applicanta certificate of registration.

82.5 Transferability; Display of Certificate

A person shall not lend, rent, or transfer thatpersons license or certificate of registration to any other person. It is unlawful for a person otherthan the chief electrical code administrator or an inspector of the administrator to alter a certificateof registration in any manner. Every holder of a certificate as an electrical contractor or electricalsign contractor shall display a certificate in a conspicuous place in the holder's principal place ofbusiness. Every holder of a license, or certificate as a registered master, master sign, journeyman, or journeyman sign electrician, or a residential wireman shall carry a license or registration cardor certificate on the holders person at all times while doing electrical work and shall produce andexhibit it when requested by an inspector or officer of the city.

82.6 Expiration; Renewal

(A) Expiration

  1. A certificate of registration required by this Code expires at midnight two years from the date of issuance and shall be renewed every two years by the chief electrical code administrator upon application and payment to the city of the required renewal fee.
  2. For all contractor registrations, permitting and inspection privileges will cease at midnight of the expiration date until registration has been renewed and, when applicable, proof of the State of Texas license renewal has been presented.
  3. Permitting and inspection privileges cease at midnight on the date of the expiration of the required insurance until proof that the required insurance has been presented.
  4. If during the preceding two-year period the certificate holder has been convicted of a violation of this Code or no longer meets the original certification requirements, the application shall be reviewed and approved by the chief electrical code administrator.

(B) Renewal

Excluding the State of Texas license, any city contractor registration orcertificate of registration for an electrical license that expires between January 1, 2020 and July 1,2020 shall be renewed upon application. A certificate that has expired after July 1, 2020 is notrenewable.

82.7 Suspension or Revocation of Certificate

(A) Suspension or Revocation

The board shall have the power to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of any class of electrician who is found guilty of:

  1. the practice of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration;
  2. intentionally violating any provision of this Code; or
  3. any gross negligence, incompetency, or misconduct in the performance of electrical work within the city.

(B) Complaint and Hearing Process

In considering charges under this section, the boardshall proceed upon sworn information furnished by an official of the city, or by some personaggrieved by the action of an electrician in the performance of electrical work for which anelectrical permit is required by Chapter 52 of the Dallas City Code. Such information shall be inwriting and shall be verified by the person familiar with the allegations made. The board, if itdeems the information sufficient to support further action on its part, shall issue an order settingthe matter for hearing at a specified time and place, and the secretary of the board, with the adviceof the city attorney, shall cause a copy of the boards order and of the information to be servedupon the electrician by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least 15 days before the date setfor the hearing. The electrician may appear in person or by counsel at the time and place named in the order and present a defense to the board. The city attorney shall provide counsel for the board.If the electrician fails or refuses to appear, the board may proceed to hear and determine the chargein the electricians absence. If the electrician pleads guilty, or if, upon a hearing of the charge, theboard finds any of the charges to be true, it may enter an order suspending or revoking thecertificate of registration of the electrician.

(C) Finding

When the board has completed the hearing, it shall cause a record of its findingand decision to be filed with the city secretary and shall cause a certified copy to be forwarded tothe electrician.

(D) Reinstatement

The board shall, in reciting its decision, make provision for reinstatementbased upon written notice by the board at the expiration of a specified period, or by the suspendedperson satisfactorily passing an examination given for the same grade of electrician from whichthe person was suspended. An order of reinstatement shall be filed as a part of the record and acopy shall be made and given or mailed to the electrician concerned.

(E) Appeal to District Court

Any person who is aggrieved by any action or decision of theboard may, within 30 days after receiving notice of the boards final order, file suit in the districtcourt of Dallas County, to correct any error of law in the decision. The suit shall be filed againstthe board as defendant and service of process may be made upon the board by serving the citysecretary.

(F) Performance of Electrical Work While Registration Is Suspended or Revoked

A person whose rights under a certificate of registration have been suspended or revoked by the board shall not engage in or do electrical construction for which a permit is required by Chapter 52 of the Dallas City Code.

82.8 Registration Fees

After an applicant has been certified by the chief electrical code administrator, the applicant shall pay a two-year registration fee as specified in Table 82.8. The fee must be paid to the building official before the issuance of a certificate of registration.

Table 82.8 Registration Fees.
Electrical contractor$160.00
Electrical sign contractor$160.00

82.9 False Representation as Registered Electrician

A person commits an offense if herepresents himself as a registered electrician of any class set out in this Code or uses the wordselectrical contractor, electrical sign contractor, master electrician, master sign electrician, electrician, or words of similar import or meaning on signs, cards, stationary, or by any othermanner, unless the person is the holder of a valid license or certificate of registration in the classfor which he is representing himself as being licensed or registered.

82.10 Electrical Contractors and Electrical Sign Contractors; Registration and Regulations Generally

(A) Registration Required

A person shall not engage in the business of electrical contractingor electrical sign contracting without being registered in the manner required by this section.

(B) Registered Name of Business

An electrical contractor, or electrical sign contractor, doingbusiness within the city shall not establish, maintain, or advertise a place of business at any locationwithin the city under any name other than that registered with the chief electrical codeadministrator.

(C) Registration Process

Any person desiring to engage in the business of electricalcontracting or electrical sign contracting shall submit an application for registration at the officeof the chief electrical code administrator. After the application has been approved by the chiefelectrical code administrator and upon payment of the registration fee required by this code, thechief electrical code administrator shall register the applicant and issue to the applicant a certificateof registration. The certificate of registration must include the proper address of the applicant'sestablished place of business.

(D) Application

An application for registration made in accordance with Subsection (C) must be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant has:

  1. an established place of business that, when located in the city, complies with all city ordinances; or
  2. an established place of business not located within the city proven by a letter from the municipality of the business location, indicating acknowledgement of the electrical business at the stated address; or if business is located outside the corporate limits of a municipality, a picture of the business showing its address and company name; or a copy of the State of Texas Registration Certificate showing business location address as stated on application.
  3. a general liability insurance policy written by a company approved by the State of Texas with combined single limits of liability in the amount of not less than $300,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and for property damage.

(E) Electrical Contractor's Certificate

An electrical contractor's certificate shall entitle the holder to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for, electrical construction and electrical sign work.

(F) Electrical Sign Contractor's Certificate

An electrical sign contractor's certificate shallentitle the holder to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for, electrical sign work.

(G) Electrical Contractor — Qualification by Master Electrician Required

An electrical contractor shall not engage in an electrical contracting business within the city unless the business is qualified by a master electrician who:

  1. is an owner or employee of the business;
  2. actively supervises the daily operation of the business;
  3. at the same time that the electrical contracting business is performing electrical work within the city, is not engaged in or employed by any other business that would conflict with the active supervision of the daily operation of the electrical contracting business; and
  4. is authorized to order employees of the business to correct defects, errors, and deficiencies in electrical work installed or performed by the business.

(H) Electrical Sign Contractor — Qualification by Master Sign Electrician or Master Electrician Required

An electrical sign contractor shall not engage in an electrical sign contracting business within the city unless the business is qualified by a master sign electrician or master electrician who:

  1. is an owner or employee of the business;
  2. actively supervises the daily operation of the business;
  3. at the same time that the electrical sign contracting business is performing electrical sign work within the city, is not engaged in or employed by any other business that would conflict with the active supervision of the daily operation of the electrical sign contracting business; and
  4. is authorized to order employees of the business to correct defects, errors, and deficiencies in electrical sign work installed or performed by the business.

(I) Electrical Contractor — Change in Master Electrician

Whenever an electricalcontracting business discharges or is left by its qualifying master electrician, a notice in writingshall be given immediately by the electrical contractor to the chief electrical code administrator,and the permit privileges of the electrical contracting business shall, without further order oraction, be suspended until the employment and qualifying of another master electrician.

(J) Electrical Sign Contractor — Change in Master Sign or Master Electrician

Wheneveran electrical sign contracting business discharges or is left by its qualifying master sign electricianor master electrician, a notice in writing shall be given immediately by the electrical sign contractorto the chief electrical code administrator, and the permit privileges of the electrical sign contractingbusiness shall, without further order or action, be suspended until the employment and qualifyingof another master sign electrician.

(K) Withholding of Inspections and Permits

The building official is authorized to withhold inspections from, and the issuance of permits to, any registered contractor who:

  1. fails to correct a defect, error, or deficiency in work installed under the authority of an electrical permit within 10 calendar days after written notification from the office of the building official or the building official's representative;
  2. fails to pay any indebtedness, when due, to the city for inspection fees or permits;
  3. operates or causes to be operated a vehicle used in connection with electrical work or electrical sign work in the city that does not display a vehicle identification number assigned by the chief electrical code administrator in the manner required by this Code;
  4. fails to maintain an established place of business as required by this section;
  5. fails to maintain liability insurance in accordance with this section; or
  6. fails to request all inspections as directed by the chief electrical inspector and as may be established by Section 304.6 in Chapter 52 of the Dallas City Code.

82.11 Master Electricians

(A) Registration Required

The qualifying master electrician for an electrical contractor orelectrical sign contractor shall register with the chief electrical code administrator in writing on aform furnished by building inspection. When an applicant has complied with the requirements ofthis Code, the chief electrical code administrator shall certify the applicant as a master electricianfor a specific registered electrical contractor by placing the applicants name on the contractor'sregistration certificate.

(B) Responsibility for Code Compliance

A master electrician who qualifies an electricalcontracting or electrical sign contracting business assumes responsibility for the business'scomplying with the provisions of this Code in its entirety, including payment for indebtedness tothe city for permit fees.

(C) Notice of Leaving an Electrical Contracting Business

Whenever the qualifying masterelectrician leaves or is discharged from the employ of an electrical or electrical sign business thatis required by this Code to employ a qualifying master electrician, a notice in writing must begiven immediately by the master electrician to the chief electrical code administrator.

(D) Qualifying More Than One Electrical Contracting Business

A master electrician shallnot qualify more than one electrical or electrical sign contracting business at any one time withinthe city.

(E) Requirements for Qualifying an Electrical Contracting Business

A master electrician shall not knowingly permit being held out as the master electrician who qualifies a specific electrical or electrical sign contracting business, whether through the use of the master electrician's name or otherwise, unless the master electrician:

  1. is an owner or employee of the business;
  2. actively supervises the daily operation of the business;
  3. at the same time that the electrical contracting business is performing electrical work within the city, is not engaged in or employed by any other business that would conflict with the active supervision of the daily operation of the electrical contracting business; and
  4. is authorized to order employees of the business to correct defects, errors, and deficiencies in electrical work installed or performed by the business.

82.12 Master Sign Electricians

(A) Registration Required

The qualifying master sign electrician for an electrical sign contractor shall register with the chief electrical code administrator in writing on a form to be furnished by building inspection. When an applicant has complied with the requirements of this Code, the chief electrical code administrator shall certify the applicant as a master sign electrician for a specific registered electrical sign contractor by placing the applicant's name on the contractor's registration certificate.

(B) Responsibility for Code Compliance

A master sign electrician who qualifies anelectrical sign contracting business assumes responsibility for the business's complying with theprovisions of this Code in its entirety, including payment for indebtedness to the city for permitfees.

(C) Notice of Leaving an Electrical Sign Contracting Business

Whenever the qualifying master sign electrician leaves or is discharged from the employ of an electrical sign business that is required by this Code to employ a qualifying master sign electrician, a notice in writing must be given immediately by the master sign electrician to the chief electrical code administrator.

(D) Qualifying More Than One Electrical Sign Contracting Business

A master signelectrician shall not qualify more than one electrical sign contracting business at any one timewithin the city.

(E) Requirements for Qualifying an Electrical Sign Contracting Business

A master sign electrician shall not knowingly permit being held out as the master sign electrician who qualifies a specific electrical sign contracting business, whether through the use of the master sign electrician's name or otherwise, unless the master sign electrician:

  1. is an owner or employee of the business;
  2. actively supervises the daily operation of the business;
  3. at the same time that the electrical sign contracting business is performing electrical sign work within the city, is not engaged in or employed by any other business that would conflict with the active supervision of the daily operation of the electrical sign contracting business; and
  4. is authorized to order employees of the business to correct defects, errors, and deficiencies in electrical sign work installed or performed by the business.

82.13 Dual Master Qualifications; Single Licensing

A person licensed as both a masterelectrician and a master sign electrician shall not concurrently qualify both an electrical contractingbusiness and an electrical sign contracting business within the city.

82.14 Journeyman Electricians and Journeyman Sign Electricians

(A) Work Authorized by a Journeyman Electrician's License or Registration

Ajourneyman electrician's license or registration shall entitle the holder to be employed by any business registered under a classification under the provisions of this Code.

(B) Work Authorized by a Journeyman Sign Electrician's License or Registration

Ajourneyman sign electrician's license or registration shall entitle the holder to be employed by anybusiness registered as an electrical sign contractor under the provisions of this Code.

82.15 Work Authorized by a Residential Wireman's License or Registration

A residentialwireman's license or registration shall entitle the holder to be employed by any business registeredto perform electrical construction as applied to dwellings.

82.16 Certain Work Exempt From Registration

The following performance of work may be carried out by persons who are not registered or licensed electricians:

  1. The replacement of lamps, branch or feeder circuit breakers rated 30 amperes or less, or branch or feeder circuit fuses rated 30 amperes or less, or the connection of portable devices to suitable permanently installed receptacles.
  2. The installation, alteration, or repairing of any wiring or equipment where such wiring or equipment operates at a voltage not exceeding 30 volts and does not include generating or transforming equipment.
  3. The installation, alteration, or repair of electric wiring or equipment installed by or for an electrical public service corporation operating under a franchise from the city, when for the use of the corporation in the generation, transmission, distribution, or metering of electrical energy or for the use of the corporation in the operation of street railways.
  4. Any work involved in the manufacture or test of electrical materials, devices, appliances, or apparatus, but not including any installation of wiring other than that required for testing purposes if the equipment is approved by the chief electrical code administrator before it is installed or used within the city.
  5. Maintenance, repair, relocation, or replacement of any existing equipment where no change in electrical service or service disconnection is involved, if the value of the work does not exceed $1,000.

82.17 Records

The chief electrical code administrator shall keep a record of all persons to whomcertificates of registration have been issued; provided, that the chief electrical code administratorshall not be responsible for the record of any person whose registration has not been renewed fora period of two years.

82.18 Vehicle Identification Number Required

(A) Vehicle Identification Numbers Required

A person shall not engage in an electricalcontracting business or an electrical sign contracting business within the city unless each vehicleused by the business in connection with electrical construction or electrical sign work displays avehicle identification number assigned by the chief electrical code administrator and affixed in themanner required by this section.

(B) Issuance of Vehicle Identification Numbers

Upon completion of the electricalcontractor or electrical sign contractor registration process, a vehicle identification number will beissued by building inspection. The contractor vehicle identification number will be the samenumber as the contractor's registration number.

(C) Display of Vehicle Identification Numbers

A contractor registered to perform electricalconstruction or electrical sign work within the city shall permanently and prominently affix to bothexterior sides of the vehicle the vehicle identification numbers issued by building inspection. Thenumbers must be clearly legible, at least two inches high, and of a color that provides a contrast tothe background.

Qualification and Registration of Electricians: Qualification and Registration of Electricians, Dallas Electrical Code 2017 | UpCodes (2024)
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